Demand Response Solutions
CRS is by far the most experienced and reliable provider in the industry of ready-made Demand Response Software and Enabling Technology Solutions for utilities, energy market participants/aggregators, and commercial/industrial energy consumers. CRS’s large scale data capture (“Big Data”), energy analytics, and demand response dispatch platforms have been deployed at several major utilities and energy market participants providing flexible demand response options for their end use customer assets.
CRS provides a fully functional, highly scalable Demand Response Management System (DRMS) with a proven track record of more than 10 years of operational support to utilities and market participants/aggregators who offer demand response and demand-side management services to their customers.
CRS’s DRMS supports the five core end-to-end services and functional capabilities required to support a successful demand response program:
- Meter Data Hardware Installation and Data Collection.
- Meter Data Management, Storage, Validation, Editing, and Estimation.
- Demand Response Service Provider Dashboards.
- Data Analytics and Customer Performance Reporting.
- Multi-Modal Demand Response Event Dispatch/Notification Capabilities.
Our DRMS is highly flexible and capable of supporting economic/price responsive (including day-ahead bidding) demand response offerings and market participation as well reliability-driven demand response offerings and market participation (ex. load shed and emergency generation activation).
Our DRMS solution can be sold as a complete bundled solution or as individual modules to fulfill a customer’s discreet needs.